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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Out of the mouth of babes

Ok so I know Benedict is not talking YET but we all agree that if he could these would be his "changes" for 2012:
1. I would like to move from my liquid diet to something of substance, I tried to give you a hint when I grabbed my sock the other day and shoved it in my mouth.
2. I am going to try to speak more clearly as now when I make noise everyone starts making animal sounds at me and singing the abc song.
3. I hope to improve my speed of motion this year and actually make it to my target before someone picks me up and moves me away.
4. Hoping to get a new wardrobe soon as my crotch is hurting from those onesies my mom keeps snapping me into and really the hats?!? Gotta go!
5. I plan on meeting some new peeps and maybe inviting them to my crib!(sorry we HAD to add that one)
6. I have got to stop drooling it is starting to turn people off I think!

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