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Monday, January 30, 2012


Every year around this time Julia and Blaise go in for a physical. They have birthdays close together so it makes sense. Today was that day! Blaise was anxious he always is! But Julia went in excited to learn how much she weighed, and how tall she has gotten! Normally I am excited to see all the new developments, but with the recent changes in health care...yikes I was there over two hours and most of it was answering questions and looking at the doctor looking at HER laptop! It was a little different but we managed to get thru both physicals. The kids are healthy and growing fine!

Mass Journal

Julia loves keeping a journal. She doesn't like to call it a diary as she shares many of her entries with the house. So when her dad ordered a Mass Journal she was the first one in line to jump on board. The concept is basically to reconnect yourself to the daily readings and homily. There is a challenge to you to ask God daily to show you one way to be the BEST version of yourself. I am interested to see how Julia approaches this. Last night she and her dad went to mass (we are shuttling in shifts due to van in shop) as soon as Julia came home she began writing in the journal. As a mother it deepens my own faith to see the fire and passion of my 10 year old's faith!