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Monday, July 9, 2012

Blessing in Disguise?!?

I'm feeling sentimental here...I just had an amazing conversation with my sister in law and I had this aha moment. Last month my dear sweet gram passed away and this month we have just begun to deal with idea that Tony's stepdad is not going to live much longer. He is such a sweetheart like my grandmother, taking this all in stride, worrying about making his own funeral preparations, telling Tony about how to handle certain finances and even cracking little jokes here and there...an acquaintance of mine mentioned how scary it must be for him to know his time is near?!? Sad yes! Scary? No! You see he knows where he's going...sure we will pray for the repose of his soul but there is no fear in his final destination. Few of us will be given the gift to say goodbye before we depart this earth. All his children and friends that have been able to are coming to see him, letters have been written, hugs given, tears shed...but it is a blessing in disguise you see. I have never felt more closer to my in laws as we ban together to update each other and encourage each other, I have had the pleasure to witness as my girlfriend Karen put it "in sickness and in health in action!", I love that picture in my mind. My mother in law has not STOPPED loving and serving her husband once, with not one bit of complaining, or self pity.
So for now, we are in limbo, waiting for "the call" as we have dubbed it. It is bittersweet of course, but we still feel blessed to have had our day with John. Now I pray for his daughters as they come to say their goodbyes, I can't imagine how hard it must be for them.

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