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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Vacation or Bust

Well the family is going on vacation after mass tomorrow! The kids are ecstatic and dad is thrilled to have off so many days from the daily grind. I want to enjoy this vacation and relax with my family as much as possible! People have laughed at me when I say this, four kids and relaxing huh?
This time I intend to find some quiet time for prayer and reflection. The prepping leading up to the trip has left me frazzled and out of sorts. Although the fact that my girls are finally old enough to calculate how many pairs of underwear and socks they need is beneficial. The goggles and snorkel are packed and a year supply of diapers! Good to go, but this time I am trying something different and bringing my bible, journal and a dash of hope to steal away some "me" time so I can quietly thank God for all my blessings. It's not that I lost my sense of gratitude I just left it on the shelf awhile and allowed daily life to suppress it. I love my family to a fault at times, and I say that kindly. In an effort to ensure that Tony gets his fill of spiritual growth, or that the girls have time to do devotions, or even that Blaise can grow in his childlike faith, well I have sacrificed my own growth and faith. Simply put, my well has run dry. So a vacation is a perfect time to focus on myself and where I need to be and what God wants me to be doing. The distractions will still be there, as cute as they are, but my ears will be opened to hear God's voice.

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