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Monday, April 30, 2012

Emerson and her stole

I had the pleasure of making a stole with Emerson for her upcoming First Communion. It was a highlight of our weekend, in between the sneezes and coughing going thru the house. As we cut and glued on the symbols she asked me about my first communion. I am a convert, and so I shared with her how at my mid 20's my girlfriend Karen helped me discover what Catholicism was. Many people assumed I only converted because Tony, whom I had just met was Catholic as well. I am sure God placed him in my life at that particular time two weeks after I bought a ticket for a Marcus Grodi conference, but not even Tony could have instituted the miraculous change the Eucharist brought into my life. Emerson asked me what it was like taking communion that Easter vigil in 1995 and I still recall to this day the amazing grace and healing my soul underwent. It was special just her and I sitting at the table sharing our thoughts and I really hope I imparted to her the monumental moment she is about to experience. I know the miraculous gift she will receive is nothing I can give her in words or tangible things, and as my MIL reminds me daily, I must trust in Jesus to do the rest!


  1. What a beautiful memory for Emerson. I also love the stole. We didn't get to make anything like that when I was little. When is Emerson's First Communion? I know a little girl here in Cleveland that's got hers this Saturday. Good luck, Emerson. I hope the day is everything you dream it to be and brings you closer to your spirituality.
    Karen in Ohio :)

  2. Emerson you did a beautiful job and the best part I'm sure was doing it with your Mom.
    Love Nana
