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Monday, January 2, 2012

Blood test and Socks

As a part of the new year one of Tony's responsibilities to our family is updating his life insurance policy. I get upset when he talks about the "what ifs" but I know being responsible for four children is something he takes seriously. He always has told me he wants his children to be securely cared for. So at 8 am after an all night fast a lady came to the house took his weight, his blood pressure and some blood work. We all know Tony faints at sight of needles and blood so it was really impressive to me that he did this. As a reward to himself the guy finally went out and replaced his socks. He even found matching ones for his buddy. I plan on living a long blessed life with Tony. This year will be our 15 year mark of marriage. In this day and age where statistically speaking 50% end in divorce I feel pretty lucky. But I am thankful that Tony thinks of the future and the "what ifs" too!

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