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Friday, June 1, 2012

Am I up for challenge?

Recently I began reading Ann Voskamp's 1000 gifts upon recommendation of a dear friend. It was easy at first documenting my gratitude as life was EASY and fun... I was giddy every night logging on my app all the amazing things God had given me or done for me...then today hit, and although it compares in nothing to what Voskamp endured, it was one of those days where joy is sucked right out of your soul. Let me rephrase that: I allowed my human nature of selfishness and pity to sap myself of any hope I had of feeling gratitude. It began with sad children discovering park day was cancelled...to realizing I had to go to store with kids...to the call I fear the most "grandma is in the hospital"...and then the wet dismal rain soaked me as I unloaded the groceries. Kiddies attempted a craft which left me frustrated....STOP... This is my aha turning point. Am I up for challenge of finding joy in the mundane mishaps of life. I had to take three deep breaths and look around...I had not intended to share my gratitude journal with anyone. I figure I blog enough about my boring life who wants to hear more! But today this is solely to document to myself that I can do this! I can keep up the race and continue to find the wonderful things in my life God has given me! So here goes: friendship bracelets with my girls, lemon bars for lunch, an encouraging Facebook message from a Godly mom, blooming flowers drinking up the rain, sleeping babe in my arms that is growing by the minute and a quiet house to write my blog!
Yes I am up to this Challenge but only through Gods strength and hope will I finish it!


  1. You can do it! You DID do it! It git hard, and you persevered:):):) Love this post!

  2. Thank you Mandy! I think this is where I truly am starting to grow bit by bit...but it sure is a mentally draining battle! Time to put in my big girl pants:)
