Today is Saint Therese the little flowers feast day. We are going to make licorice roses and read about her. I have many books and prayers to her. Here is how to make roses because that is the flower that symbolized her.
First you need a package of string licorice, the kind you can pull off that look like shoelaces.
Coil a large base and keep coiling smaller and smaller pieces on top. Then, use it to decorate a table or eat it right away! Yum!!!!
Prayer to Saint Therese
St. Therese, you who are called the Little Flower, pray that I may always live as a good child of God. May I always do the little things of life extra well for the love of God. St. Therese, you love flowers and you wanted to give to Jesus the flowers of many, many souls.
Now that you are in heaven, let fall upon earth a shower of roses by your prayers. Bring many more souls to Jesus. Pray to the mother of God for us that she will smile on her children here on earth. Amen.
P.S praying this prayer often in times when you need help is wonderful. When your prayer is answered, St. Therese will "send" you a rose. One time I prayed this prayer and my wonderful Grandma Connell sent me some pictures of Saint Therese and she didn't even know I had prayed to her!!
Saint Therese, pray for us!!!