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Friday, November 4, 2011

The small things...

I am a simple person, a plain Jane if you will. I always tell the family it's the little things that make me happy and grateful. Waking up to my little smiling faces makes me happy. Catching my kids hugging each other when noone is looking. Watching the birds at the bird feeder enjoy the seed my son threw out to them. Listening to prayers at night and hearing them asking for blessings upon their pets. Discovering my husband mopped the floors just to be helpful. These little things grow the gratitude in my heart. Recently Blaise asked me to read him one more story at bedtime just to "spend more time" with me. I melted and of course consented. It's the little things...

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.
-Mother Teresa


Tony just let me know it is Employee Appreciation Day at work! He is thankful for all his co-workers and all the stuff they put up with!


Thank goodness it is Friday! We made it thru the week...the kids are feeling better...Tony only has to work a "little" bit tomorrow....and the sun is shining right now!


Imagine her surprise when she opened up her art book today and saw her activity for today. "this is perfect mommy"


Well the brain cells are on fire around here this morning. Everyone is thinking of what they can be thankful for. Collectively as a group we all mentioned grandma Connell at one time or another. She is so encouraging to the kids always sending them positive tidbits of mail and little things from garage sales. She keeps Tony on his toes by reminding him how to stay healthy and for me well she is faithful, humble, sweet and content. We love you grandma Jan and I know she would rather have me post a picture of a card she sent Julia then one of herself so here goes: