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Sunday, February 5, 2012

More photos with grandma

Blaise loved scaring gram with his huge fake tarantula he bought with his birthday money! Eek! He scared some old people with it too! Girls loved showing gram the stuffed bunny and legos they got today! I think gram liked toys more than kids!


We were ten minutes away from grandma so we could not pass up a visit!


Pictures say it all

iPhone 4s

Ok so let me remind you leading up to February 14 our family is discussing the little things we do or have that we love, appreciate, treasure ect...As I have stated in past in no way shape or form should a material item surpass our love and devotion for God, but it can be a tool to bring us closer. Tony and I love our little phones. We download apps to read the missal, I can always snap a quick picture of kids, and we have been able to connect with old friends and relatives via Facebook. Technology can be a good thing if used within reason. Today Tony gets an upgraded version of his phone. He is like a kid in anticipation of that coveted toy at Christmas! I am thrilled for him as he loves learning all the new ins and outs of any new gadget! So we load up the family today and make the drive to 12 Oaks. Normally the kids dread going for the long drive to apple store but as luck would have it Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Steve generously sent birthday money for all so they are on a mission as well! Thank you thank you thank you to them the kids were so excited and appreciative. So we are off! Pics and updates to follow thru out day!