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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Birthday!

The kids and I were going to celebrate my mom's birthday today but unfortunately a change of plans occurred. I didn't want her to think we weren't thinking about her today so the kids and I are sending a technological shout out to Nana!
Happy Birthday Nana, love Benedict
Happy Birthday Nana, I hope you like your presents love Blaise
Happy Birthday Nana I hope you have a special day! Love Emerson
Happy Birthday Nana I really miss you and love you and hope you are having a special birthday week! Love Julia
Happy Birthday love Jenn and Tony

Sandbox Saga

Today began the saga of the sandbox...two years ago we got Blaise a sandbox as all boys love dirt! He loves sitting in it with all his trucks... It became a hot spot for the neighbors too! He was king of the world entertaining his lady friends in the sand box...
This year I think it is changing! When his friends came over they seemed cramped in the box. His construction site became a pool for mermaids and a spot to pretend cook. Blaise was not as keen on the change and then when someone suggested he give away his sandbox to his baby brother he abruptly got up and walked off! He has told me he doesn't mind sharing but he still plans on entertaining his friends in his box and he has big plans this season. It involves water and the biggest monster truck hill imaginable! The saga continues...


Julia and I recently began a mother daughter book club. I let her pick the first "read" and I told her to challenge herself and I. Well, she has become interested in fantasy and a little bit of sci-fi so upon the approval of her dad he has consented to the Narnia Chronicles. Seems Tony had read the Screwtape Letters in college and he mentioned C S Lewis was a Christian studying Catholicism at one point. We are halfway thru the first book and although it isn't my cup of tea necessarily I am starting to get into the plot. Julia loves the time together as we cuddle up and I read aloud the chapters and she listens or last night she read to me as my throat is sore and I was not up to par. Sometimes the baby is still awake so he sits in between us and travels with us to Narnia!