My mom told me I had to write a story using antonyms today...this is what I wrote:
Once upon a time there was a little girl named Hannah. She loved God more than she loved her toys. Her mother was going to have a little baby girl. Hannah was happy that she was going to be a big sister. Her mother went to the hospital to have her baby. Hannah followed behind with her father. They met in a room for her mom to rest in. Hannah was strong, but her mom was feeling weak. Hannah played while her mom rested. They played a true and false game. Her mom fell asleep, so while Hannah was awake her father and her took a walk around the hospital. Hannah saw little babies in big windows. Hannah moved rapid, but the babies moved slow. The nurses were kind, not mean. When Hannah came back there was her little baby sister. Her mom and dad named her Emily. Hannah gave Emily a welcome home present a stuffed turtle. Even though Hannah was older and Emily was younger they would be sisters forever.
I hope you like my story, now that I am eight my mom said I have to write more mature longer stories.
This one took me a long time, not a short time!
Emerson Taratuta, 8