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Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I never used to wait until last minute to get the kids ready for holidays. I was the type that would plan a month in advance what we would all wear down to color of our socks! Well, four kids later life is different. Today we had to race around searching for the perfect outfit for Julia for Easter. I also needed to upgrade Benedicts church attire! I knew shopping with Julia would be challenging! She has a very specific, unique sense of style! I also knew her dad and I had certain expectations of Easter attire. So with a prayer and a goal we left at 8:30 this morning. Surprisingly enough Julia found just what she wanted at our first stop and then it was off to search for Benedict! Emerson is my little shopper! That girl will shop and shop until she drops! She loves ti look at accessories and she loves to help pick out stuff for the boys. So I am not surprised that she talked me into two outfits for Benedict as they are soooo cute according to Emerson!
I am just glad the shopping trip is done and mission accomplished!