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Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Creative Moment

Today was Juice's art class. That is what Julia has requested that we call her by from now on. She loves this class and even though it is 3 hours long she always jumps for joy when she gets to go. Today was extra special as she got to invite her BFF Jenna to the class. I remember when I was her soul playmate. I spent hours at tummy time and story hour. She used to light up at spending every moment with mommy and daddy. As with all things time changes. She now bounces off to play dates and sleep overs without a glance back. I know this is natural and she is growing into a lovely young girl but I ache as time passes. I squeeze her harder and tell her to stop growing but it doesn't help. So for now I must accept that I am no longer her BFF. People have told me it gets easier with each one to cut the apron strings, but I keep telling them I own a dull pair of scissors.


I just realized this morning that every one of my children is having an issue with teeth this week! My sweet baby Benedict is a cranky drooly mess. He is cutting his first tooth and is not a happy boy! It makes nursing a real joy let me tell you! Blaise is not using his teeth! He is on a hunger strike. I asked him what his cause was, for all good protests need a purpose and he said "better food"! Well I did ask didn't I. Emerson lost her first tooth and is on the verge of losing her second one. I often find her tugging on it while doing her chores and school. None of our kids have bought into myth of tooth fairy so she just sweetly reminds Tony it is almost falling out. He has a special thing he does where he writes the kids letters after teeth fall out. Then I saved the best one for last. Honey if you are reading this at work when I took Julia to dentist last week he said she is a green light for braces! Cha-ching $$