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Thursday, November 24, 2011


Well we had our feast and we played our talking spoon game! Everyone enjoyed the food and laughter. I am amazed at how one whole day of cooking ends in less than an hour of eating! A big thank you to my Emerson who helped wash every single china plate and dry it! She even said it was fun! Blaise ate well I am thankful for that and we managed to find time to go on a brisk walk before eating pie! Benedict slept thru his first thanksgiving but that is ok because for once I could sit down at table and eat! We had some awesome fun and great memories! This attitude of gratitude was best thing girls suggested! Our advent celebrations start soon and I already am excited about it!


Julia and Emerson are thankful for learning a new card game!


Tony is thankful for watching football with his boys!

Homemade sweaters

Benedict is thankful for homemade sweaters and hats!


"Blaise what are you thankful for?"


Good morning! We kicked off our day with Tony making his famous b.e.l.t
Bacon bagel egg lettuce and tomato sandwich
I made cinnamon rolls and we are going to watch parade soon!