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Monday, December 19, 2011

Koppela Christmas

Yummy food
Presents galore!
Koppela Christmas it's how we roll....
Literally this year!
Lots of rolling!


The word tradition has become a buzz word in our house...why do we do the advent wreath? Tradition Why do we make cookies? Tradition Why do we go to Christmas eve mass? Tradition
I even recently had my mom tell me she and my dad were looking for an annual tradition for the two of them. I am anxious today to hear how the Siberian orchestra turned out and if that will be their new tradition every year. This morning we are preparing for a very new tradition in our home. In years past we always got together with my side of family right on Christmas day! Unless there was a snow storm or illness we always met up for a once a year meet and greet and catch up. Well with four kids and the distance to travel Tony and I have decided that is not fair anymore to the kids. So we are gathering today. I was surprised to find out how many families do this: celebrate before December 25 and I think in the grand scheme of my chaotic life it will work out for us. The kids get to see family and Tony and I can relax a little bit too! My mother in law summed it up best in a homily she heard recently...Christmas day is not about cookies or family or gifts or shopping it is about the birth of Jesus...seems like we all forget that. So we start this new tradition effective today! I will snap a few shots and post them periodically today but here's my first favorite one....a new tradition I told my Tony he can do weekly. Cleaning the toilets!