This morning we received not so good news about the van. I am a pessimist the glass is broken and can not be fixed. This year I resolved to be positive no matter what. Tony called this morning and said we are looking at a steep cost for fixing the drip coming out of van. Something about a rack and a pin? Who knows, my attitude went south immediately and I groaned. Not five minutes later Emerson came to read her lesson out loud to is devotional stories and this is what she read...."nothing happens to us that God does not know about 'from all eternity'. Whatever He causes or allows, He uses for our good. Evil things still happen, but you know that He turns what is meant for evil into something good, something that will bring us closer to Him, and makes us fit for Heaven."
I am sitting here reflecting how quickly God has gently reprimanded my poor attitude and lifted my slumping heart. As I feel revived I received a verse from my hubby who obviously is in sticker shock himself:
So many people in the world do not know Jesus. Of those that do know Him, many know His name, few know His ways. -mustard seeds
I think Tony and I have the message, thank you God!