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Sunday, July 15, 2012


Home Sweet Home!
That's about all I can say! Tony has asked I remain positive in this blog and not cloud it up with too much negativity or Debbie downer like attitudes so here goes: I really enjoyed the howling and woofing of said black dog staying at our hotel last night... It sounded like a music to my ears as the thunder claps in between the woofing scared the bejeebers out of my kids. But just think it only makes them stronger right?!? I also loved the fact that I forgot to pack myself enough clothes to wear home so my dirty pants and top really made me feel like we had just gone camping for a week and didn't shower. Speaking of showers, I forgot to pack shampoo!
and so my hair had that "hotel shampoo" kind of feel to it all the way home! How lucky for me to come home to a working washing machine so I could do four loads of laundry But my ultimate favorite highlight of our hotel stay was the fact that in spite of cramming six people on two small beds we all managed to wake up with smiles!!
Truth be told, I loved seeing my husband's family and watch the kids play and listen to the laughter... It was a celebration during a sad time.
Side note: Tony had ordered a special St Benedict medal to give to his stepdad to wear but it never came in time, when we got home it was in the mail today and we figured Blaise could have it after using his big boy muscles to help daddy and the other men act as pallbearers! :)