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Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Most that know me have rarely seen me at the beach. I detest water, sun and bikinis! The Lord and His sense of humor gave me four little fishes that adore water! They could live at the beach. I had no plans this afternoon of going to the beach. When my good friend Carrie texted me and invited me to Silver Lake I was unsure, almost talked myself out of it! The sand, the mess and Julia has vitiligo she is not allowed to be in Sun! A little voice coaxed me to try something new. So we doused Julia with her special sun block and t shirt and we packed up and went. The girls made sand mermaids and Blaise dug a hole to China! I did get dirty and wet and half the beach landed in our van! It was awesome! We found a shady spot for Julia and I learned talking myself out of something only leads to fun missed out on!