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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Little Flowers Day

Today is the Little Flower meeting. It is almost our last meeting before the Summer. All the girls have done amazing things this year. I was hesitant to commit this year as I thought with the baby I would be so overwhelmed, but this group and their fearless leader have made it a cake walk for me. I have to admit I am ashamed I considered not signing them up...what other group can I find that teaches a group of young ladies about courage, generosity, prudence, joy, perseverance, justice, mercy, wisdom, and loyalty. The girls were fortunate enough to visit the Shrine of the Little Flower, bring joy to shut ins at a nursing home, volunteer at a food bank and attend a divine mercy mass. You can only imagine the joy they have after working hard and receiving a special medal. It is not about getting the medal either, it is just a tangible reminder to them about the saint and virtue they wish to emulate. Today is my turn to help out. It isn't really work either. It is a faith building experience for myself as well. To stand there and listen to twelve little girls recite the rosary and offer up their prayers makes my hope and faith grow by leaps and
bounds. To see the friendships blossom and the true sense of kindness grow, well it fills me with a belief that goodness can exist in this world of naysayers. God Bless this group, the moms, and their Godly leader!

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