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Friday, April 27, 2012

Art Angel

Yesterday was Julia's art day and I wasn't planning on speaking about her art work, but then I received an email from my MIL that it was also the day Of Our Lady of Good Counsel. Right before that email a girlfriend of mine reminded me she had been completing her novena as well. I know I am rambling but when I get excited I do that so please be patient. For months now I have been in prayer now regarding a major decision that Tony and I have been considering. I must of had cotton in my ears as I could not hear the answer or what to do about my predicament. Then it dawned on me that God does not always wrap the answer up in a pretty little bow and hand it to us. Sometimes heartache, pain, and a dose of discernment are given before clarity. When Julia showed me her art work yesterday she followed with "Mr. West said no two Angels are alike and I envisioned this was what your Guardian Angel looked like. I wanted to draw this for you just because."
It brought me to my knees as I knew God had used my daughter to guide my own stubbornness at accepting what I already knew to be the right thing to do. Following good counsel is not always easy but right. I shared my thoughts with Tony and he agreed that it was time to put some action into our plan and so begins our journey...
To be continued....


  1. I'll be praying that God gives you the stength to do whatever it is that you need to do ; )


    1. Thank You Kristine, I really appreciate that a lot. The next few months will be a hard transition period for the kids but I know God is with us. We were told it isn't always easy to do the right thing, but when you do, not only does God bless you, but He is carrying you thru it entire time!
