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Sunday, February 12, 2012


Today is the day we begin our remodel! A remodel of Blaise's room. When God blessed us with boy number two it became apparent that with four kids someone was to share a room unless we moved...the girls are totally polar opposite in taste, style, and sleep patterns so they requested to keep their own bedrooms. Blaise loved the idea of having a roommate so we told him this year we were going to remodel his room and the "boys" would room together. He is thrilled! We have decided to purchase bunk beds and built in storage for the boy toys! Blaise is picking the color blue but mom decides on the shade. Hey he wanted orange and I have been that route with Julia in past so we are compromising!
As far as theme goes we have decided to wait until we choose the bedding. Currently the baby is still sleeping in our room and will continue until probably after a year old and then he will transition into his bottom bunk. I have found with my other kids when they start walking and climbing it is great time to introduce a big boy/girl bed.

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