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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Babysitter for Hire

I am a creature of habit. Every morning I get up at the same time, make the kids breakfast, vacuum house, get beds made and then shower for school. I have always managed to do this on time. With the addition of Benedict I have altered my schedule a little but not really. The girls have always been eager to entertain or watch the little guy while I showered. Recently Blaise has fallen into this role. The girls are busy cleaning the bunnies or putting away breakfast dishes so naturally Blaise is wandering around aimlessly. He discovered watching baby means extra play time and the wise little lad has fallen into the role joyfully. This morning when I called for him to read a story to Benedict his air of eagerness was mixed with a bit of opportunity. When asked why the odd look on his face he replied "I will do it this last time but I am just wondering when I get paid?"
Oops guess even a 3 year old has a price!

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