Hi, this is my first time ever blogging so bear with me. I simply wanted to start this blog so my time with my family during the precious years would be forever remembered. Today was a typical Sunday for the Taratuta clan. We went to mass we had a donut after (yes Blaise was good enough for that donut)! Then it was chore time. Normally Sunday is a no work day but we had some family time on Saturday and the yard work was overtaking us. So what do I do? I turned yard work into a fun family activity. I witnessed my husband jamming to his tunes as he attacked the bushes with a pruner, my 9 yr. Old Julia skipped up and down the sidewalk pushing the baby stroller in her converse shoes she HAD to have! Then there was Emerson and Blaise the two worker bees that loaded ten loads of dead hydrangeas and drove them to the back yard on the little John Deere tractor. At one point I was bending over yanking some dead flowers out of the beds asking myself why do we do this crazy fall yard work every year! I detest getting dirty and it is tiresome. Then I see the satisfied look on my 7 yr. Olds face as she completes her job and gets paid. (10cents a load) and I realize what a treasure this moment is. I stood in the dirt and looked at my dead bushes and thought to myself isn't fall wonderful!
God has made a beautiful thing, we watch it grow all summer into the most beautiful flower and then it dies. Yet that is not the end of it as next season it rebirths again.
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